Getting a partner visa to Australia is a pleasing experience. What if you develop a drift with your partner for several reasons and want to break the relationship? Then what happens with the visa? In most cases, the partner visa is only granted to genuine partners who have stability in their relationships. The Australian government understands that some relations are not meant to last forever. In such conditions, when your partner visa ends, what you have to do is stated in this blog.
We understand the stress you are having during this challenging phase of life. So, go through the blog to understand the implications of the relationship ending on a partner visa in Australia. The consequences of relationship breakdown largely depend upon the type of visa you are holding.
Australia offers two significant types of partner visas in various subclasses, which are further described below.
Permanent Partner Visa (subclass 801/100): The permanent Australian visa falls under subclass 801 or 100. If you have one, then you can stay in Australia. The permanent Australian visa grants permission to stay permanently in Australia, and there is no need to have a continuing relationship. With a visa under subclass 801 or 100, you can leave your partner without fearing that your visa status will be affected.
Temporary Visa (subclass 820/309): If you have a temporary Australian visa, then your relationship status will affect your partner visa. In case, while having a temporary visa, you decide to get separated from your partner due to various reasons, then you have to follow a comprehensive process to ensure your visa type. To change the status relationship on a visa, you have to follow some steps, for which you must require expert assistance. So, Migration Doctors Australia will always be there to help you.
Our immigration lawyers in Brisbane will provide you with complete assistance in informing the home affairs about your relationship breakdown. It is the first step that you have to follow. Then, provide evidence and clarification regarding the issues that forced you to be separated. If the court finds the reason valid, they offer you a permanent Australian visa if you are eligible. In case the home affairs declines your evidence or does not find it genuine, then you have to leave Australia on short notice. Your temporary staying visa will be canceled, and you will be deported from Australia.
In Which Cases Does The Home Affairs Of Australia Grant You A Stay Under A Temporary Visa?
There are circumstances under which you can remain in Australia still after a relationship breakdown. In three scenarios, you will be granted a permanent visa if you are facing domestic violence or abuse, if you have a child with your sponsor, and if your partner dies. In the cases mentioned above, you can be granted a permanent visa if you are staying in Australia on a temporary partner visa. To state your reasons for separating, it is compulsory that you must submit strong, relevant evidence to support your application.
In conclusion, it is of utmost importance that you must seek legal advice on separating from your partner. Our immigration lawyers in Brisbane will help you complete the separation process quickly, and you will also be guided with complete visa changes. We will also provide support in filling out your application to Home Affairs Australia. The whole process of informing home affairs and getting a revert in your favor is critical. Our lawyers can make it effective and make it easier for you to get a permanent visa to stay in Australia.